Wallpapers 2 |
You may CLICK either on images or in the listing on the left of this page. Those wallpapers occupy 800X600 pixels, the usual screen definition.You don't know about your screen? Then it's 800X600. Even if not, it's easy as explained here to adapt the wallpaper to your own definition. HOW TO PUT A PICTURE AS WALLPAPER. |
All my wallpapers keep a zone where to put icons, either intégrated in the picture, or confined in a, usualy 230X490 pixels, rectangle. (Yes. It holds them all, if you close them. You'll see.) Often it's green, icons' text background color. When not to get it pretty you may need to know How to change icons text background color. Click also if you allready knew but Windows doesn't do it any more.
Half those wallpapers come from covers that I tinkered to give it screen width. Some are shown in my Great comic book cover gallery wichs holds near 1000 US and french comic books' best covers. |
JOHAN AND PIRLOUIT. Covers by Peyo from the two graphic novels Le Pays Maudit and Le serment des vikings (© Dupuis). JO, ZETTE AND JOCKO. L'éruption du Karamako and Le Manitoba ne répond plus. Two covers by Hergé. (© Casterman) Find Jo, Zette and Jocko in my site Air Palombia KAMANDI 1 by Jack Kirby (© DC) |
KIRBY (© Marvel) The more famous of the over four hundred thousands drawings done by Jack Kirby in half a century. Self-portrait with sixteen of its creations in the 60's, the Fantastic Four, X-Men, Hulk, le Silver Surfer, Spider-Man... plus twelwe that I added to make a good account. Here, small, it doesn't look great, but in full screen size...!
the LOFT by the author of this site. (© Gérard Courtial) |
MYSTERY TALES 44. "Was he hoplessly lost in the labyrinth" A Bill Everett cover from 1956 (© Marvel). It's been real fun adding walls on left side. |
MYSTIC 33 (© Marvel). Discover another Mystic cover in my gallery. |
the SECRET WORLD OF ALEX MACK (© Nickelodeon
) Larissa Oleynik as Alex in the TV series. Icons' text background color recommended:deep blue.
the SILVER SURFER scanned on Fantask 2 cover (© Lug) from John Buscema's Silver Surfer 2 (© Marvel), fighting the Brotherhood of Badoon. |
the SILVER SURFER has allwas been a pacifist fighter. The former pic shown his fighting face, the one beside, out of a page of Buscema © Marvel, his peacefull face. the SMURFS by Peyo (© Dupuis). Get to Smurf Land in my site Air Palombia SPAWN out of a page of Greg Capullo (© Image). More Spawn in my cover gallery. |
SPELLBOUND 12 by Russ Heath (© Marvel) SPIDER-MAN Human Torch and Green Goblin by Steve Ditko. Scanned on french Marvel 12's cover (© Lug) = US Amazing Spider-Man 17 (© Marvel). All about the creation of Spider-Man in my site Marvel comics' story. |
SPIDER-MAN Photos from the movie Spider-Man (© Columbia Tristar) before covers( © Marvel) by Ditko, Romita senior and junior, Byrne, Starlin, Vess, Hood, Olliffe, Gulacy, Kane. SPIROU and the marsupilami. From Franquin's graphic novel Spirou et les héritiers' cover (© Dupuis). Discover the land of marsupilamis in my site Air Palombia |
MARVEL COMICS HISTORY from origins (1939) to nowadays. How where created Spider-Man, the X-Men, the Fantastic Four... |